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Love is Blind UK Wedding Predictions - Who Says "I Do" at the Altar and Who Will Say "I Don't"?

Writer's picture: Unloveable Dad - CurtUnloveable Dad - Curt

Love is Blind UK S1E9 Transcript

Preeti Davidson (00:00)

All right, we're here, Curt and Preeti, MAYA for Life Konvo Dating. We are here to give our expert opinions and snarky comments on Love is Blind UK. The ninth episode, we're getting ready. And at the end, we tell you who we think is actually going to get stood up at the altar and who is going to say yes. All right, let's do it. Let's get snarky.

Wow, 9 days. my gosh, it's such a dream of mine. What more can you ask for? Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. Gorgeous. You're welcome. What a way to start the day.

What was that? You want to kiss me? I think all of Europe and America will agree that this couple is going the distance they have from day one. Anchor couple. That's what we call them. the mall has an anchor store. These two are anchor couple. Minute number one. You're rooted for them. They can't fail. There'll be anarchy over in the UK. So, yep, they're going all the way. This one is a no brainer lock.

And they're super healthy. And we can talk a little bit later about what makes them such a healthy couple. Yes. On your face. It's me and

of almost like just... A bit sick? Yeah. I think it's more the unknown of how it's gonna go, you know? Yeah. It was difficult leaving the pods, cos I lost, obviously, you. So I went to Germany. I think it was tough for my mum and sister to see me like that. I was you all go, right? You get your heart broken and, you know...

You went to Germany. He left the left the pods heartbroken. Guess where he went? Germany. Because what did he do over there? We don't know yet. Well, that's where his mom and sister are. So he went to Germany. And you know what that sick feeling that she's describing that's shame, right? She feels ashamed that she made the wrong choice. She she's probably heard this story before that he went to Germany and cried his eyes out to his family. And now she has to meet them And all she's feeling is nausea and shame. I feel bad for her.

You know, it's like really tough. Tough few days. And they may bring that up.

I feel like personally it's a, a make or You see that? mom gave him a hug, gave one glance to her and looked out like she wasn't there and tried to sneak by. Good start. Yeah. Well, everyone's nervous. The camera's running. We don't know. Let's, let's watch.

Mum is not a fan. Hello. That

I mean, you know, because I came back from the pods, you know? Yes, you did. look who brought it up. Yeah. Look who threw it out there for his family to hit the fastball. You know, you remember. I he... I was a mess. was crying. I was depressed. Remember, mum?

setting her up a little bit. I don't think he means to, but he's definitely using them as their crutch, like a little bit of punishment here. Like, yeah, he's not protecting her. He's throwing out the fastball to mom. yeah, for sure. He let mom sing.

no, what happened? It was really, wasn't it? It was just, mum. And you know when all the emotions come out.

my God, I'd be mortified. mom just lost. Mom's like almost had like a little heart attack there trying to get it out already. Mom's acting out her son's grief with the woman that caused it. This is like, this is intense, man. did. Benihana here is certainly not protecting his fiance. Benihana Benaya. Yep. As you learn, I go by him. That's right. Curt gets a pass with names.

We've never seen him in a state like that, we? No. No.

Now you know Ben is the right one. I want to know more about you.

that's nice. She kind of she, I feel like she's really the sister. The sibling is really good buffer because mom's emotional. Everyone knows mom gets really protective of her little ones. She took a little beating and the sister said, OK, let's move on. Yep, I agree. Compassion. Ask me about anything. Go on

I think Sam, the situation.

he's throwing her under the bus! Just a sheepish. I had to say what I had say to him. Like, had to call him out. can't keep things in. And then he said a few more not-so-nice things about you.

The Sam thing. I don't want to go into the details, Probably seeing that little bit of good that might be there. And just want to get rid of the situation and move on. All right, we can all agree that we can't stand Sam. Sam is...

the most insincere person I've ever seen on reality TV. And that's a pretty, pretty tough shoe to fill. What are you talking about, Preeti? Trust me. Trust me. Trust Trust me. one's ever given me a chance. No one's ever loved me. Trust me. Yeah. You think there's some work to be done there? Yes. And he called her eyes boring. boring brown. Like, my God. Like, just incredibly self -absorbed. I mean, I would love to have some compassion for Sam, but.

I really, I gotta dig real deep on this one, cause he's pretty, he's easily hateable. Yeah, but remember when he walked out to meet her for the first time and see, he goes, like what you see, what do you think? Like, my God. It's about him. Like, I mean, I don't want to throw around the word narcissist cause we don't really know him, but he doesn't show any kind of ability to empathize or actually even relate to another human being. Everything is really from his point of view and his experience of what he's feeling and what he wants other people to see of him.

how he's coming off and it's just, it's nauseating. When someone tells you over and over to do something, it means there's an implied understanding or feeling it's not being done. So when someone tells you, trust me, trust me over and over, he knows there's not trust. There's a reason that people are trusting him and he has to tell you verbally to please trust me. So not the most trustworthy guy right off the bat. And the other thing we knew about Sam very early on was that he's had all this plastic surgery done. So he's

You know, there's probably deep insecurity and maybe that's where the compassion can come for him, that there's something that has happened to Sam in his life that has caused him pain, that has made him, that this is the result of deep self -loathing. It comes off in this, you know, really, really awful way where you don't like this person, but possibly it's really pain underneath all of that. And this is Bani Benihana cutting her though. He's brought up.

I went to Germany and I was crushed and let's talk about Sam with his mother and sister for the first time there. So he's getting his kicks in now. He's kicking her a little bit right now and getting it up. I mean, I think he's very close to his family. You know, this is a gigantic decision that they want everyone on board with. And so maybe this is what it looks like to accelerate a relationship to the point where you're trying to get the family on board and it all has to happen on camera in this one.

tea that they're having in the afternoon. it's, I don't know, it's all definitely not the real world, right? That's true. So, all right, roll it.

I've never seen him like this before, even with ex -partners. Never. It's refreshing. Yeah, it is. It's a good sign. You guys...

I think he gets what he wants at the end of it. At the end of it, he wanted them on board, but he also needed to kind of heal a little bit in this process. And somehow this weird little interaction was healing for both of them, it seems. Yeah, they got it on the table. The things they needed to talk about was the Germany part. And then he wanted to get Sam out there. And that's it. Like, now you're done. Yeah. And I think also the sisters' reaction, the sister's are really great facilitator in all of this, because where mom is protected,

The sisters looking for things that like green flags, right? Mom's looking for the red flags, sister's looking for green flags and she's seeing a whole lot of green flags and the sincerity and honesty of Nicole and kind of gives them the green light.

It's amazing what a scone can do.

What do you do for a living? Don't know why I'm asking. Why laughing? What's funny? Why is that funny? What should I not ask? Is it something? No, I'm a funeral director. Funeral?? Sorry, what's that?

That's just, know, stuff's about to go down when they start the scene with the alcohol pouring and they put at least four drinks. That's kind of like a drinking game for this game. Like if there's alcohol poured to start a scene and there's drink, there's four glasses of wine right there. Yeah. That's about to go down for sure. And, and also, you know, he doesn't really drink all that much Freddie. He doesn't drink at all. Well, he looks like he's having a glass. Maybe he's, maybe he's like Curt Dalton. He has like a glass once a year. He's good. It might be just for the setup of the scene that some

key grip, put the glass there. So let's see. Possibly. Maybe he doesn't drink it. Funeral director? Okay, fine. Yeah. Yeah. Fine. She's trying so hard to like that. Although, you know, in that industry, is it a little bit...

No, I love it. No, it's not sad. Obviously. Yeah, obviously. Yeah, I'm looking after, you know, people during the most difficult time of lives. It's sad. Yeah, it's sad. But you just got to support the family. I think that's why you are the way you are, like part of you. takes a certain human. How's wedding planning going? So before we get into wedding planning, I was on the Reddit group this morning and the girls are all on Team Freddie, of course, because...

Freddie is beautiful inside and outside, he's just really loving and kind and there's a vulnerability about him that we all like. But they were saying that, you know, maybe in your worst moment, you know, your loved one has passed away and Freddie walks in as the funeral director, maybe it's the universe throwing you a bone! Not bad, I can't say they're wrong.

Yeah, you're getting stressed.

then. you don't drink and you don't go Yeah, I'm not So do you think Cat is high maintenance? Yeah, I do a little bit, yeah. I think she is a bit, yeah. Yeah.

Why do you get in trouble as a man for telling the truth there? Do you think this to tell the truth? Yes. now he's buried at this show. Every time a guy tells the truth, he gets buried. Yeah. So I think that she's really triggered. Well, she's triggered by everything. Let's just get that out of the way. Cat Cat is not someone who has learned how to take any level of criticism. and she takes it all very, very personally and she feels affronted.

him calling her high maintenance. If you called me high maintenance, which you are welcome to do, I would think it was hilarious because I can be high maintenance. That is absolutely the truth. There are times where I am very particular about certain things and there are other times that I'm a total slob. Like we are not all just one thing, right? And I don't know. think being comfortable in your skin and knowing who you are and letting other people see the real you and not feeling judged when somebody just sort of makes an observation.

Like I don't actually even think he was saying like you're high maintenance and that's a bad thing. It was like, it's sort of a thing. It's part of you. I didn't hammer her with it as a cut. He's just like, a little bit here and there. Like he even said a little bit just to like take the edge off. She's gone. Her eyes got squintier and she's not happy. Let's go.

I do worry that our lifestyles are a little bit different. is a doubt. Is that OK though? because if so you think Cat is like that way, was that OK? No, I don't think so because I think that I would not satisfy her.

We'll realize stuff you say sometimes. I'm not good enough. Right. That's like the third time we'll go over other episodes. I won't be able to satisfy her because she's a little high maintenance. Now all of a sudden it's his fault. He can't. He it's on him. Do you think that's gaslighting? Like he's gaslighting her because he's going to dump her at the altar? And he wants her to know that it's because it's not because she's a bad person. It's because.

you know, she, just can't live up to her expectations. I is that? What, where's the gasoline? Yeah. Cause this isn't the first time that he he's become the victim or he's become the, I'm not good enough. And I know Cat said it or maybe coming up or a different episode too, but this whole thing about, I'm not good enough for somebody. That's a whole MAYA course right there. So let's see how, and Freddie never lashes out. This is his version of lashing out. He's doing it very gently and it's still hurting her. It is hurting her, but they both have said,

multiple times that they're not good enough. So it's actually something that they share in common that, you know, is also something that we can help at Konvo Dating Like why don't you feel good enough? Everyone's good enough. but not knowing that you're good enough and not knowing your value and your worth is not going to help you in a relationship. It's not going to help you find achieve and maintain a healthy relationship with anybody. Yep. And I've been to this club and I've done this. I've been to ocean beach.

it's starting to piss me off. That's her other line.

Every time he voices a concern, every time he feels uncomfortable and he says, I'm uncomfortable with this thing. And he's saying, because I don't know that I fit in your world. I've never dated anybody like you before, which I believe is very sincere on his part. She gets angry. It pisses her off when he tells the truth. That is such an ego driven insecure response. And men do it as much as women, but we're seeing it here and it's really not a good look.

So, opinions? I think he seems like a really nice guy. if we get married, and he's decided he wants a prenup. Really? Really.

Should I be worried? For me it's a bit controlling.

Do you think that's a sign then that he's already thinking about potentially separating?

He's planning it. I'm sorry, but that's just such an incredibly cynical view of something that's just practical and also something that he hasn't drawn up. He brought it up in a previous episode as hey, I think this is something we should talk about and think about. And, you know, for people, regardless of how much money you have,

It's actually a really good way to talk about finances and values and what it looks like to partner financially in a relationship. And all three of these women have taken offense to this thing that is just logical and practical. I don't think necessarily, there's so many things that indicate that this relationship is not gonna work. Freddie's suggesting a prenup, very low on that list for me. What do you think, Curt? I think prenups in general are very hard to bring up and they are awkward.

but in a situation like this, where I'm guessing Freddie, who's what? 32, 33 did not start the funeral home on his own or buy it. So it's probably some sort of family business or partnership that he has a, you he owns it. He's the, he's in charge of it. So it's pretty reasonable request. And again, they've known each other like three weeks and they're about to get married. So, especially since there's no two years of dating, it seems very logical and he should do this. Cause if they're married for a week and it doesn't work out, she could get a lawyer and try to.

you know, whatever, get half the funeral business. And like you said, having discussions about finances, which is the number one fight among married couples and then divorces, it's intelligent. And you can discuss, hey, again, especially in this case, you're three weeks in about to get married and he may own a family business or have taken it over.

I'd say by the way you can change a pre -dump you can rip them up you can put a time element on a minute you put a kid element on and we have two kids is no longer valid in twenty years if we're still married is no longer valid so there are ways to do it

I was just hoping that you two would see in her what I see in her. I think she's now sort of sweetiepie. Yeah. She's just so lovely, she's honest. Where she's got so many wonderful qualities. Cool, now I can breathe. It's almost like we're relieved as well, you know, and seeing you so happy now.

There's that happiness in there. that fire alive again. And that is a mother that is just... Couldn't wish for more. That's a great job by mum because she may not act... She may have some feelings of anger and because it hurt her son so bad.

but what he needs to hear and she sees how happy is she's putting that aside because she knows how important it is for him to get the blessing and say, I'm behind you. So that's a pretty big move by mom. And I give her credit. Right. And she was able to make an assessment. And I think even though they went in there trepidatious and worried, what they actually saw was genuine and she didn't.

make it about herself. She really made it about whether or not this was going to be good for her son and his future partner. And that's not the case with all the parents, as we will see. Maybe some foreshadowing as we meet another mum soon. Go ahead. Wedding.

I'm conscious of the mistakes that were made from my first marriage. That's what I'm afraid of. Like, can he really commit to marriage? So there it is.

we have relationships in the past, we're not going in this virgins, right? And some of us have even been married before. And do we learn from mistakes? Do we learn from experiences? Do we take all of that as information and put it to good use in the future? Or do we rake someone over the coals for the things that have happened in their past? Are we able to move forward and move on?

He's getting the family backing and the sister. I mean, honestly, they're great. They're going to get married. That's my prediction. And all they got is he's a nomad, you know, the music changes and like, all right, a lot of couples move around. A lot of couples like to do that kind of lifestyle. It doesn't mean she isn't, she's opposed to it. So. Yeah, that's true. I think, know, that's together such an important part of finding the right person and making it work is not trying to change them. Like it's not fair. It's also not possible. People.

People can learn and grow, but if you're fundamentally someone who doesn't wanna stay in one place for so long, then you need to find somebody who's gonna be on board with that.

I know it's a big night. I know how important your mum is to you. What about you? I mean, I am quite nervous, purely for the fact that she's very protective over me.

I mean, even growing up, I never introduced anyone to my mum. You know, this is the mum that used to go through my call log and call each and every single mobile number. And if it was a boy, she would lock them on my phone and tell them to never speak to me again. She may say some things that are a bit...

hurtful at times, but that's just how she is. Wait a second. Did you hear that? She went through her daughter's... Yeah, We're getting the Jaws theme all of a sudden as she's talking about the mum going through the phone. And that she's really harsh and critical and...

that she call every number on the call log and if it was a boy, she would call them and tell them to never call again? my God. That's what she's claiming, yeah. That is psychotic. I'm sorry, there's no level of normal in that.

I've been raised a certain way and so I expect like a man to behave in a certain way, especially in the beginning of a relationship. And so like the first time we ever went out or went to get ice cream and...

Tom was comfortable with me paying and I felt like I saw that as like our first date

That's not how he explained it at the bar. He had paid for things earlier. They were getting an ice cream and she volunteered and said, I got it or let me grab it. And he's like, thanks love. And now the story's coming out. Like that was a test. You should have stopped me after you had paid for a couple. She's telling a little different version than what Tom said. And he's like, I didn't even think twice. Like, let me just grab the ice cream. I got it. And I said, Again, he's, this is where I don't know the culture. Yes, but.

Didn't seem like the guy did anything wrong at this point, yet he's getting grilled a little. Well, I actually disagree about the culture thing. I think that if you come from different cultures, you don't expect the person who is not from your culture to just do everything automatically that you would expect someone from your culture to do. That is a bizarre request. They wouldn't even know what to do. Now, if you said, hey, it's really important to me that, and that's part of the culture I grew up in,

I mean, I think that that's unreasonable anyway, but if you express it and then the person can decide whether or not they're willing to do that, but to just sort of expect that is bizarre. And then this whole thing about men and women paying, like they were on a date and it seemed like she was being reciprocal, right? Cause he probably paid for dinner and they're walking around and they're getting an ice cream and she's like, let me get this. That's reciprocity. That's not for it to be some sort of a test or for it to,

blow up in this way that they're bringing it up in front of his family. It's just so it's so awkward and weird. It seems like self -destructing. Some of these people are doing that in their relationship because again, Tom tells us either later this episode or a past one. Yeah, I paid for everything like the dinners and we're just out for an ice cream and she's like, I got this. She didn't like stand there. He told her pay for he's like, let me grab this. He's like, sure. Thanks. And now it's being brought up as like, I you didn't stop me. Like that's dirty pool. Like, go ahead. For sure.

Agree. Maria's Muslim and her family as well, that's very new to me. I need to make sure that my husband is going to be able to look after me and the children. And that's how my dad was, that's how all my uncles have been. OK, so wait, wait, wait. That's transference as well.

Right? my dad and my uncles did this for their women in their life. So that's what I have to make sure you do. When did Tom sign up for that? Like, wait a minute. Wait, what? I, course, I respect you and we can work out our roles, but that's what she wants. And because her father and uncle, that's what they did. So I need to make sure you do that. Like, well, I'm sorry. I didn't know that. Well, and it's not necessarily an unreasonable expectation because I think that there's across cultures,

in American culture, in European culture, there are people who still think of more traditional male, female gender roles in relationships. But here it is that I feel like there's a judgment that she's like, this is the right way of doing things. And if you don't do it this way, then I can't be a part of this. there's an odd tone to it all. There's the underlying effect where she, again, she was the makeup artist and he was the high -powered PR executive, but.

Still, you can have that discussion. What are your roles? Do you want to work? When you have kids, do you want to work? How's our finances to bring it up in front of the sisters like my dad, my uncle, this has to be how it's going to go. Like, and Tom's kind of like, we didn't quite have this conversation this hard before. yep. But I am not 100 % comfortable paying someone else's mortgage, if I'm being completely honest.

So it's a little different in England, right? I think she's talking about rent, not mortgage, we'd say in the U .S. So she's like, I'm not going to chip in for the rent because if we break up, I just paid all that money and I got nothing. I think she is talking about a mortgage. So, well, same difference in a way you're not going to pay housing costs, whether it's rent or mortgage, because in five years, if we're not married. Why wouldn't what's the logic there again? Why wouldn't OK.

Well, so, and this is maybe where a prenup would come in, right? Like if she's, if she's putting equity into the home, then it's not unreasonable to expect that she might be able to get that equity back at some point, especially if the relationship ends. But that is, first of all, a private conversation, a weird conversation to have for the first time at dinner with his sisters, right? But the second part of that is like, where's the problem? So.

So you figure out like what, you you started paying on this date. It just seems like math. Like do the math, make an agreement, write it down. Like there's no problem here. They're creating problems where there aren't any. But she's laying the groundwork for, I don't want to work. I'm staying home with the kids and I'm not paying the bills or even the housing costs. I'm not contributing. So go ahead. Right. Which is not necessarily an unreasonable request if he's on board with that. Right. Weird way of going about it all.

I kind of understand that. But then maybe that's her saying that she has doubts in her mind. You can't marry someone without knowing where you stand with those financial things. Money is the statistical reason why most people divorce. You said that earlier, but here's the other thing. Nobody actually needs a reason to end a relationship. Even if you're married, you get to decide every single day to wake up that morning and continue that relationship. And if one day somebody decides for

many reasons or no reason at all that that relationship is over, then it's over. There are no guarantees. There are no guaranteed outcomes. And so much of what I'm feeling from all of these couples is this propensity to want to mitigate risk and the entire point of being in a relationship. Like they were willing to risk their hearts by being in this experiment. But now when it comes down to it, they want all these guarantees that are impossible, even for couples that have known each other.

for many, years. Agreed, yep. My view on the money stuff is that we're

and there are lot of hurdles, you know, around our values, particularly the finance stuff. You know, I want to be absolutely certain, and I know she does as well. We love each other, and it means so much to both of us, so...

So I wanna be absolutely certain. You cannot be absolutely certain. What you can be certain about is that you have similar views or you're willing to compromise and use some sort of methodology of being able to compromise to get to that place. But this absolutely certain, I think is what's tripping a lot of people up in relationships. Yeah, they all want that guarantee. You'll hear everyone talk about it in this episode. I wanna make sure it's certain this is forever and the one like.

Nobody gets that, forget the show. you don't get that on a normal dating and marriage and put the ring on. There's no guarantee, like you said, one year, five years, 10 that it's gonna work out. So you gotta like jump off the cliff. The older people will tell you as advice. You gotta take the chance. That's right. And 60% of us get divorced. know, sometimes twice.

will she take to us? Okay. Cause she was still 11 weeks at that time and she just didn't stop smiling. And that was it. She never stopped. She was just perfect baby. She was really good. Perfect. Perfect baby. So I have a question. How do you go from happy, like just well adjusted baby feeling loved and protected, even though there's been some

very early childhood trauma with whatever circumstances led to her being adopted to this person today who is so beautiful inside and out yet deeply insecure and unable to form relationships with people without so much doubt and so much suffering. I find her suffering through this entire series.

Well, we know that cheating has caused her a lot of pain without getting into that discussion about the, are you a cheater? Which we'll have a separate video on, but, and again, she was adopted at 11 weeks old. And for the length of this show that people have watched, she's used the, was adopted, dot, dot, dot. It's almost like the, but I love you so I can do what I want to you. She needs attention. I need this. I'm like this. I act this way. And it's always because I was, how long are you going to carry that around? How long is that going to define you? What is she? 32, 33?

If you were 11 weeks old, you got to carry this till you're 90 that you can act a certain way or, or feel sorry or be a victim because I was adopted. Like, okay, let's talk about that and, set up some boundaries and, know that doesn't define you tomorrow. That does not define you anymore. So you're living in the victimhood of that for sure. You're so right. Her entire narrative has been that there's something wrong with her because she was adopted. Yes. Everything has fit into that. So.

Her brain is searching for where she doesn't belong. She wakes up in the morning with this pain and she's looking for where somebody is going to do her wrong, where she's not gonna fit in, where someone's not gonna love her, where she doesn't belong. And honestly, at this point, none of this is necessarily even true. It's really just a narrative that she's had for probably the duration of her life. And here's the good news, we can fix that.

You can change that narrative. You don't have to live in this, you know, drawing enemy lines and being behind it and everybody sort of against you in the world. What a terribly exhausting and painful place to be. I have a lot of compassion for Cat. I don't totally understand her story. And, you know, she shoots herself in the foot a lot, but this, doesn't have to be this way. This can change. She's self -sabotaging, which she's probably done in other relationships, I guess. And when the whole cheating thing, when she, when he answered honestly and said, cheated once seven years ago.

It's never been the same since. So that's obviously a deep pain for her. But again, he told the truth. How long does he have to carry that cross on his back? Like really? You want to find a guy at 33 who has never ever even in high school cheated or kissed a girl when he was going out with another one? Like there's obviously some stuff there that super insecurities and super trust issues. Right.

For marriage, you have to work as a team. Yeah. They're never easy. Yeah. Never easy.

been married for 35 years. you have to be open, open -minded all the time. Cat's mum and dad are really nice. I'm just talking to her like me and it's sort of like I've been welcomed as part of family.

So based on this, where do you think they are on the spectrum of will they or won't they? I think the dad's got some things coming out, and it's funny how everybody who's an elder married person will tell this type of person, it's not easy. It's so much work. Like, good. You go rushing to the altar. You want to get married and every person who's been married 20, 30 years, still married, will tell you, man, it's hard. It's a lot of work. that sounds great.

There is no lie though. Yeah, like they're not lying. They're absolutely not lying. He's right. But I love to have, I love what he's talking about how you can't know the outcome. And then, and then Freddie answers with, want it all to be perfect. And it's like, my goodness. Where have we gone wrong? Where we have sold people on this idea across cultures that you have to find the one, the perfect one. And then somehow everything will be fine. And if it's not, it means it was all wrong.

And why is Freddie's self -esteem like handsome, looks like James Bond, six pack abs, owns a business, got a sweet heart. And his thing is, I don't know if I'm good enough for her. that's just, that's like, you talk about building up your self -confidence and who you are. Like you're a first round draft pick where a lot of ladies and a lot of people in life, but he doesn't think he's good enough. I would love to get both Cat and Freddie into MAYA. You know, they, they are lovely.

inside and outside and they don't know it. And it's clearly not because there isn't love in their lives. They seem to have beautiful families who've cared for them. mean, know, Cat's other narrative could be that here's a mom and dad who wanted her so badly and went to every length to get her. And unfortunately they seem to have missed.

What a lot of us miss is, and it's the lesson of self -validation. It's the ability to know your worth, that you are worthy because you exist. It's not because you have six back abs. It's not because you're sweet inside. It's not because you're beautiful on the outside. It's because you're here. Like we're here, we exist, we're worthy. I think it would solve a lot of problems if we could all come from that place of security.

Your personalities remind me so much of dad and I. I literally said this. emotional. It's just relief, I think. It's just so nice to see you both because he reminds me so much of... He's very laid back like your dad, isn't he? I've been saying And I'm the one that will worry about things and, you your dad says, you know, it's... So I get the reassurance from him. So that's how I look at the two of you and think... I think you'd be good.

good together, you've got a good blend.

But it goes to show you the juxtaposition of your position in life. Her friends noticed the same type of relationship, the high energy kind of person that needs to be grounded. And they said, maybe this isn't going to be a good fit between kind of your energy and what you like to do in life and his. That's what her friend said.

Her mother saw the exact same thing and said, he reminds me of your dad, because I'm kind of the flighty high energy one and your dad grounds me. Exact same people read the situation as soon as they, they read the situation exactly the same, but came to different conclusions. Friends' said, not sure. Mom goes, just like your dad and I. Awesome. Well, and not for nothing, but mom and dad have 35 years experience of making a relationship that has its ups and downs as everyone does.

So I don't know, kind of inclined to go with what mom and dad are seeing in this one. Dad almost had a moment of tears trying to tell him, boy, that marriage stuff is fun. So I don't know if dads, I mean, they're there, they're together. I don't deny that, but happiness level, don't know. Well, we can't ever know that, can we? Right.

okay, here we go.

no! Sorry! That's just awkward! Hey! Bring it in! You're not bringing it in! I mean, Cold Shoulder does not even begin to describe what that was. Keep it playing, it gets worse.

Okay. Don't cry. so nice to meet you. Welcome. Come in. You look gorgeous, mom. Yeah, you look stunning. So are you. Do want to come in? He doesn't even want to go in. Now I know. I feel nauseous, Curt. this is off to a great start, Bobby. Not going to go well, is it?

Okay. gets a good looks from. he's trying. Been really looking forward to meeting you. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to say. I'm like shocked. Yeah. Yeah. I'm in a shock. Don't worry. Is that over the way he looks? Because what's the shock? We'll cut her a little slack. She just flew in. Her daughter's on a game show.

Like, we'll at least give her right now that she's just shocked at the whole everything, right? The marriage, and it's a game show. Let's just give her one little break. All right, but she's making me have a lot of appreciation for my mom. That's all I'm gonna say. Are you hungry? I am hungry. Yeah. But I'll probably won't be able to eat much. Okay. Shall we sit down? She's already decided. I'm really hungry, but I won't eat much. No. It's a big middle finger.

Here we are. So, what made you think that, this is the girl for me? Well, when I came into this experiment, I mean, I was looking for a certain type of woman. You know, a woman that was sweet, caring, honest, a good listener, somebody that had values, know, somebody that understood me. You know, Jasmine is that woman, so... I don't know. I have mixed feelings.

Obviously there are fears. Do you see yourselves gonna be together forever? For me, that's what this marriage is, you know? How about a past relationship? How many girlfriends did you have? Not that many serious relationships. My last one... Not serious? No.

How's your education, my God. So when I was in school, I struggled really to kind of concentrate. So I ended up not going to university. But in this day and age, not a lot of people go to university anymore. I know, but it's better to be with a person with a good educational background.

Sometimes it's very difficult to communicate with an uneducated person. my God. that is so over the top line. Like, God. what do you even say after that? You give her little leeway. and she said, I want it to last forever. There is no forever guarantee on anything. already unreasonable goals, unreasonable can never be met. can't guarantee anything forever. And now.

She could have dissuaded that. She could have pushed that like, you didn't go to university, and been polite. Nope, right at him, right at him with the eyes on him. Juggler, juggler and "sometimes it's hard to communicate with an uneducated person." I mean, there's an undertone there of it's not even worth it. Like you are not worth my time. You're not worth my daughter's time. And she's had all of the, I don't know, seven minutes with him altogether. That was intentional.

I'm gonna cut you. She is very hard to like, very hard to like.

very, very protective. I don't want her to get hurt again.

Most men, every time they meet another woman, you know, it changes their perspective, their want, their likes. It changes all the time. I know what you mean. know, men can be a certain way. And I've watched my mom go into really poor relationships, you know, with the wrong types of men. So that's the last thing that I want to be. Because it's not nice. Heartbreaks are not nice. Trust is gained at the end of the day.

I've been through two failed marriages and I don't want Jasmine to go through that. you're bringing all your transference and all your story to this guy. Like, my gosh, it's creepy. It's just creepy. Heartbreak cannot happen. It must last forever. Like, you can't save her from that. It's her journey. You can guide her. You can help her. But you can't guarantee she'll be married forever and not have heartbreak. You can't protect your kids, let alone your adult.

kids like this, like that. I mean, let's be honest. This is the kind of mom who shows up in the middle of the night and in the morning and tries to get in the bed with you. Like this is like zero boundaries, a million red flags. Bobby run. Jasmine seems lovely, but I don't know if like this way Bobby might not run. She does live in the Philippines and I assume they're in England. So, you know, you got a little distance to bomb, but yep. A lot of FaceTime.

Right, but I'm feeling really protective of Bobby and Jasmine for that matter, because Jasmine had to grow up with this and she seems fairly well adjusted considering that this is the woman who raised her. So what's the future plan?

always been involved with Jasmine. We talk like sisters. And I said, if you have secrets, tell me first, not your friends. I am your friend. I am the best friend that you could ever have. Dude, that's psycho. No, you're her mother. You're not her friend. No. That is psycho. Why is the problem? through me. And there's an undertone of, am your only friend. I am your husband and your child. my God.

She never hides anything from me. Yeah, she has. be going forward. What? I bet she has. You don't think she's been on a date, had sex with a few people. she never hides. Yes, she does. I she's not telling you that. She's the kind of mom that you have to hide everything from. You have a completely secret life because you can't be yourself. And then all of a sudden, you don't know who you are because you're two different people she's hiding everything from you is actually what she's been doing for 20 years. But go ahead. Yeah.

I don't want to be telling you, Bobby and I had an argument because of the dishwasher. No, but you have to tell me. But not every single argument, because that's going to put you off of him. And he's going to be the father of, you know, your future grandchildren. We can't be doing these things where I'm telling you every single argument. Because you'll bring it up again. No, I think you have to tell me. You have to tell me everything.

This is all bad. I'm very worried. It seems so short to know a person and get married. The time is not enough to say that I'm in love with that person. It's not good. Jasmine, are you sure? I am sure. It's going to be difficult though.

This is all mother and daughter. This has nothing to do with Bobby. These are these two putting down markers and lines like this Bobby shouldn't even be there. Like this has nothing to do with meeting Bobby. This is mother and daughter battle. Well, I bet you she's been like this with anybody that she's ever met. This is no different and she's gonna be miserable. She's gonna be cut out of their lives at some point. Like this is not sustainable for her.

Bobby's not doing this with a couple of his kids. Exactly. Grandma better watch it. If Bobby Jasmine and the kids are happy, go lucky and free in England. There's only one woman who's going to be on the outs of that. Yep. So warning.

Be very loyal. And if there's something that, you know, secret, everybody has secret.

Don't ever, ever lie to me.

I told you everything and had a secret. Come on. This is like, obviously we know the mom's been cheated on and the ex -husbands kept secrets. We could just put the dots together at this point. yeah. For sure. For sure. and this is really all about her pain, right? She's couching it in this whole like, I'm, you know, I have to protect my daughter. I have to do that. But this is just all her shit like on display for everyone and ruining people's lives. And my God.

You should know baby

Me and Marissa, I feel like is the last hurdle that we need to get over before getting to that big day. This is a lot and I'm really getting a grill in here. I'm hoping that I'm passing the test. But if we are gonna make this work, there's gonna have to be some boundaries in place. This is gonna be mine and Jasmine's marriage and not Marissa's. yeah. Good for you, Bobby. He makes me feel happy. Why can't I be happy? I wanna choose happiness. How long will that last?

I don't want you to make the same mistakes that I have. There it is. They're her mistakes. They're not yours. Yeah. She's going to make her own mistakes. You can't save her from a divorce. There is no guarantee. No. the mom's in so much pain. Never dealt with it.

And who is she blaming? she's blaming men, she's blaming anyone outside of her own family, her and her daughter. And she's also, I think, blaming herself, right? She's blaming every guy that was in the daughter's phone book her whole life and telling them don't ever call again and blocking them. There's all these, it's definitely a man blaming for what her pain that she went through, because every man is now guilty.

There's zero accountability in this. You're absolutely right. There's no respect for boundaries, zero accountability. I know I bet she's never asked the question, what was my part in it? It's all somebody else's fault. Jasmine has zero agency in her life because or think or Jasmine's mom thinks she has zero agency in her life because she doesn't have any agency in her life.

a very healthy, you know, mother and father marriage. I've also experienced a lot of failed relationships where, you know, I haven't felt loved. I guess this time around, it feels like everything feels right. I'm not wanting anything more from him. He's already providing that for me without even me saying it. You're not getting carried away. No, but I know I'm making the right decision. You know how interfering but...

At the same time, I'm very protective. mean well.

there it is. But I you. I love you. Excuse. love you. So I can be an absolute dragon with no boundaries and try to ruin your life and marriage. But I love you. I'm doing it out of love. Right. I'm so interfering. But I mean, well, but you're not doing well. You're not doing good. It doesn't matter because I love you. Right. but I love there's the but I love you.

And your children. Yeah. You cannot... your children. I don't want them to... to experience this crying. You remembered when you were young. Now she's worried about unborn children going through a marriage where there's people yelling. She doesn't... how much is she transferring her life right now to this woman? This her daughter? Yeah. I don't want them to have those memories in their mind.

wanted to be happy. I am happy. So there it is. Her marriages, her failed marriages caused Jasmine pain and she is not able to forgive herself or whatever Jasmine experienced as a child. And anything that Jasmine has not done that is in line with what Marissa thinks is the right way to be is actually, Marissa is taking that all on. So

Of course she wants to be in control of everything. That makes perfect sense in the context of it is all my fault. Here's the thing. We are not that powerful. It can't be all her fault.

All right, Curt, so if we're to put on our compassionate hats on and have empathy for this mom who, you know, is hard to like, and perhaps that's really unfair because there is pain and there is trauma and there's also this desire that parents have for wanting their kids' lives to be perfect and to be good, and in her mind, she's failed.

What if you know, if this was a MAYA parent, what would you say to her about this future relationship with her daughter and son -in -law? Well, certainly Bobby knew with the word boundaries he caught on right away what needs to be done and asking her You know her happiness is gonna first of all She has to forgive and own her part in in these relationships that she does not like any men and going back to them to the phone book thing from when she was

or her daughter was younger, and what was her role? Because that gives you accountability and you can start to work on it. And then what can you do in the future? Like the protective thing, the not letting anything happen, the boxing out everything that could possibly cause pain forever isn't realistic. And it's her journey and you have to support her, not protect her, right? So parents' jobs are not to...

Control your children like she's trying to do. First and foremost, a parent's job is to protect. Second is to guide. You do not control your children's lives like this, especially at this age. So that's going to be a big talk on the call with MAYA if she was a client too. So in protecting guide and protection does not mean control. Like she is absolutely got to try to control everything here as we can see. And you're not your kid's best friend. Never say you're your kid's best friend. You're better than that. A parent is more important.

Best friends can change in life. You are their parent. Don't ever try to be your kid's best friend or say you're his best friend. Like that's, that's a mistake right there. It changes your classification with them to something lower. No offense. You're, you're their parent. Yeah. it also, it, it shares responsibility with them for your feelings and you are, your kids are never responsible for your feelings.

I think the other thing that I would say to Marissa is that she deserves to heal from all this pain and that she will have a better relationship with her daughter and actually be that supportive guide and with the end result being more effectively protective of her child if she learns to heal and if she does the work on herself to heal and if she, at the very least learns that she deserves.

to heal from the pain that she's experiencing that she's now projecting onto her kid.

So beautiful.

It all still feels very surreal. It's not quite real life yet, but every day I feel a little bit more more confident about Stephen and I. Having the dress, think that kind of really... Cement it. Yeah, sets it like this is what I'll be wearing on my wedding day. Well, Stephen is a very lucky man. Very lucky. I'm very lucky too, That's a great line.

That shows you a mutual respect and love for each other. And these two are just so ridiculously perfect and into it. She didn't let she didn't pile on about how lucky he is for her. No, I'm lucky, too. That is a 50 50. What role do I play? Right to her mom. So great. They're just perfect together. It's it's setting a boundary with her mom also. Like this is not about how great I am, Mom. And he's lucky to have me. This is mutual. This is the mutuality and intentionality that

all really healthy relationships have. So it's great to see at least one of them. Yeah. I am 100 % ready to say I do. I feel really, really

All right. First prediction. I know it's the, it's the easy one and there's no, there's no drama. Those two are 100 % prediction time. Okay. You can put that one on a fan duel or Bennett at the local pub. Those two will both say yes. Continue. All right. So Steven and Sabrina are a go. What about Nicole and Ben?

I love it, honestly. I just feel really sexy as well. It's Benaya, do you know what I mean? Like every time I think about him, like that's what makes me feel really safe in doing this.

Benaiha neither one has a reason to say no or hesitation. So they're going to get both say yes. They will both get say yes at the altar. Yeah, I agree. I think they're both going to say it would be very surprising if they didn't. They've been on the same page and they've already had their drama, right? They've gotten it out and they know what it's like to lose one another already. And so I don't think they're going to do that again at the altar. To celebrate your love for each other. Yeah, man. Yeah. I really want to make the most of this and give it the best shot that we can.

This today is the longest that we've spent apart from each other in three weeks. How do you feel about that? We missed her today. We really missed her. Massively. Massively.

way possible. Like how he is with me, I'm not used to it. And everything that he is is actually exactly what I do need. I might be crying and look like a mess, but I feel really good. Can't tell.

that's a bit of a 360, 180, whatever it is turn for her because all this time she's like, you have to be like my dad. have to be like my brother. And here it is like this beautiful moment of, no one's ever been the way you are with me, Tom. And it's what I need. Like it's separating from this family history, this ideal that she's had in her head. And here it is a wonderful man standing in front of her.

unexpected in every way. And I think she's seen him for the first time. Yep. And I'm going to go on. I think they both get, they will both say yes, because they don't have, he has a little, you know, issue with the money and what roles are going to be, but they've gotten past the culture part and I don't, neither one has a good reason to be like, no, this amount. So I think these two also actually say yes and give it a shot. Yeah. I mean, I hope they do. I really, I really liked them together and all the things that

that they talked about a little strangely in front of his sisters. Like all of that is stuff that you just need to work out. And to be honest, they haven't had a chance to, so it's all very accelerated and hopefully they'll get that all out. Blubbering mix.

I always want the best for my daughter.

This day here is the big say that they also get married, because Bobby's gonna have the talk about the boundaries, like he's already said, and say, we're married. I hope to learn to grow and love your mom, but this is our marriage and there may need to be boundaries set up on your mom's involvement and she'll agree to that. And I think they will both say yes to each other. Yeah. Yeah.

What she just said about being whole and complete and at peace with herself before they met, that can't go unnoticed. That is such an important key part of actually even being able to identify and then join a healthy relationship and then move healthily towards it. And what you're saying is that

You know, I think you're right that they're both healthy and that if they are both healthy, then they will set those boundaries and make it work and hopefully say yes. my God. All of a sudden I want them all to say yes. Well, remember though earlier in the season, she needs someone to stabilize her was her absolute, nails on chalkboard line. I think in episode three or four, I just need somebody to stabilize me. And there we go back to you, complete me. Your job is to fix me. Your job is to make me stable without you. I'm not.

So I'm glad to see the progress and the evolution and we're about to see the next one that's really had progress and changed as a person. Biggest day of your life.

Girl's back and actually she's...

new and improved, I'll be honest with you. see it. We've got some things to work on, know, cos the booty be busting out. Walking in, and you see these beautiful women who are petite. You're like, crap, maybe I shouldn't eat that donut. Honestly, it's actually so bizarre that I was in that headspace at one point in my life, because that doesn't define me. I'm actually very confident, I'm actually a very confident person. If I didn't go through this experiment and this experience, I would keep doing that, and actually that's not healthy. Insecurities, seriously, get rid of them.

It's actually just ridiculous. You are beautiful inside and out. You are an amazing person. And me and daddy created such a wonderful girl. Yeah. You did. You did. But you also showed me what a really good marriage is as well. Thank you. Like, I literally, I've said that from, I'm very fortunate. There's not a lot of people that have role models like I have. And like, I look up to you and dad. I look up to like, what true love is.

you've set the example of how to love and that's what I want.

This dress is fire! I feel like this has been a rollercoaster ride and along the way I've just trusted the process and the things I'm relying in. I've got Ollie, I've got a loving family. I mean have you seen my dress? I'm ready to get married to anyone, I'm I'm joking Ollie, don't show that to him. Anyway, it's kind of off me because I'm sweating and you lot are just making it emotional.

All right, I'm going to go out on a limb on this one. This is my long shot that you're not going to see coming. The Reddit group may be upset. She says no at the altar to Ali. Look at the change in her feminine power. Look at the change the mum just said from the boxing to the football to the this. And she's kind of a tomboy. And look at how beautiful and strong she is now. It's almost like a transformation. She has the self -confidence and self -esteem now to know there's something not

quite right with Ollie still, the lines and the no touching and we're not worried about touching later and just there's something, is he playing the show? Is he something else going on? I don't think she says yes at this point at the altar. That's gonna be my long shot. She says no to him. You know, I actually, I wish for that because she has had the most growth of any person on the show. And it,

It is a transformation. If this is the outcome that she comes into her own, that she knows who she is, that she has that self -validation and that sense of worth and that true confidence because of this process, honestly, it's way more important and also everlasting than a relationship.

So I'm so happy for her and it's really been beautiful to witness. I think you said it well, like I kind of hope she does because she's grown so much and she, hate to say she deserves better. Like all her girlfriends have been telling her for this show, but like, yeah, like you are a totally different person. You showed up and you were, I'm too fat. And I, you know, I'm this really tomboy and maybe he won't like me when he sees me. And now look at her, she is radiant. She is all femininity. She's powerful. She's confident.

You kind of do like, she deserves better. I hate to say it. She can do better than you. But the person that she attracts sitting in her power, the way she is now is a different person. totally. And Ollie admits, I was club guy, went for the hot chick. I'm trying to adjust to, you're not the hot chick. But now she is beautiful. mean, like, look at her change from the first episode. She's going to attract somebody as healthy and solid as she is. And that's what she deserves for sure. Well, we'll see.

He is a life changer and he's going to be part of the family, for sure. Today I feel really confident about my wedding day,

Can we just rewind on the love?

What do mean? I've never heard you actually say you love her. No, OK. OK, so I do love the girl. do love the girl.

All right, I'm going to say she will say yes. She's already said if I get down there and he says no, she's saying yes by that statement. I think he says no. I think the steps of the sister foreshadowing in a previous about talking to him and is she good enough for you? And then the whole will slash prenup worry.

And she's just, ever since he admitted he cheated seven years ago once and learned from it, and he's a different person. She has never let that go and just changed completely. So I think he says no at the altar tour. Yeah. mean, this couple had a lot of potential in the beginning, but as we got to know them better, there's a lot that they need to work out as individuals on their own. you know, Freddie's great, but he doesn't know who he is yet. And that's okay, because he's really young.

And that's part of the journey, right? But he's just learning. And I think that this is gonna be a big experience for him that might launch him into becoming his true self. And sweet cat, she's got some healing to do and she deserves to have the time to do that. I don't know that they can do any of those things in a relationship. So I agree. I think she'll say yes and he'll say no. But it'd be great if they both said no and just said, this was amazing, learned a lot.

Maybe we'll continue off camera, but this is not the right thing is to get married right now.

Gosh, London's pretty, we should go there. Here we are. English vineyard. Seems pretty perfect for our last thing to do. No bangs! Episode 9, No bangs! First time we've seen...

Sabrina, no bangs. Didn't recognize her. I thought she was the lady from the pod, like the pod coordinator later that shows up once in a while. Like, who is he talking to? Nine weeks, nine episodes. We finally have the bag. No bags. All right. If I ever think about cutting my bags, I'm going to remember this. She's blossom, too. She started out with the bangs and the no. Like, really, this is everything covered. Now look at her face with this love of her life. Just pull back. Smile. Yeah, this is where.

You come in secure and they were both secure. They were both really sort of sure of themselves, but then they're blossoming. And that's actually in a healthy relationship. People do blossom, people grow, but you come to it healthy and then you get better. And that's what I think we've been able to see with them.

Obviously, the final countdown is on. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, I honestly think it sounds so good. I'm here for it. Have you been practicing your You do seem more confident. Really? I do. A really different look than an opening picture. Let's see what happens in the day. good. Scratch his head. Take a deep breath.

I mean, they're even making fun of the idea of them not saying I do like that's how sure they are. Yeah, like the most boring couple ever to put on a show. No drama in any shape or form. Just perfect from day one. Like, yep, that actually worked. Yeah. Well, it's nice to have aspirational, right?

At the start, was like, God, this is too good to be true. But now I'm like, it's not. Trying on the dress yesterday, like, it just hit me. Like, this is it. Mm. Like, that dress is for you. That dress is for our wedding. when I found the dress, like, my mum's jaw, like, it hit the floor. Like, I'm not even... She couldn't talk. And she was just crying her eyes out and...

You know, having thought that as well, like it was just amazing. I'm going to say unpopular opinion feels manipulative. Yeah, no, she's in. What she's saying is I'm definitely in and saying yes. And she's trying to it feels like she's trying to get a response from him as a are you going to say yes to and then her insecurities coming back because she's got to say and other people think I'm great. My mom's jaw dropped to the ground like it's just it's just it's.

It's sad, think it feels like there's a lot of her trying to convince herself and others all the time of her worth and value. And she's not convinced is actually the problem.

I just want you to have the reassurance knowing that I love you and what the connection we have is real. I just feel lucky that I still wake up to you every day and I'm like, my God, that's Freddie. I wake up and I'm like, don't wake her up, don't wake her up. that was...

That says it all. He's walking on eggshells and she's like, la la la. Yep. That's just it. I still, I'm going to stick with at the very moment. He says no. Yeah. He knows he has to, like you said, he's going to get run over the rest of his life. He's, he's just such a sweet, nice guy with no boundaries. Even she's, and he knows it. He can feel it. And his friends are kind telling him that too. So I think he's, I think he's going to say no. Yeah. I think he needs to, I think they,

They need to for both of their sakes. have so much to growing to do and healing to do.

So let's make sure we try and celebrate him as much as we can on the day. Yeah. Great line. Good job, Tom. I don't want to be speech. let's take a minute for that. The compassion. Good job. Like he's not not he's going to be there. He's he's it's the active voice. Like, let's make sure that we like we're in this together. And it's my responsibility now with you to honor him at our wedding. Yeah, they're they're they're saying yes.

I've wanted a life partner, but I didn't think I'd find it. Nicole proved me wrong.

There's so many qualities that she has, which makes me see a very happy future with her. Yeah, I feel pretty lucky at the minute. OK, this is a changed man. He went from not being able to say that he thinks he could commit to her in the pods to this guy. And he hasn't been in a relationship for 10 or 11 years. I had no idea. That's a point. He actually that's right. Way back in the beginning, she said, and he whiffed, he is like, I can't do it right now. And that's why she went with the same.

or the other guy. So yeah, it's a point. Like now he's ready and certainly they're getting close. I think it's interesting. Like if we mapped it out on a chart, the couples who have grown the most individually, will they be the ones that say, yes, I do with the altar? I'm going to predict. Yes.

Love, to me, is the most magical feeling in the world. To have come on this experiment and to have found true love is the best thing that could have ever happened to me. I'm so excited to be spending the rest of my life with you. Aw. You're incredible. Thank you. you so much. I love you,

I mean, there's a lot of certainty. They're going to say yes. That seemed a little worse that scene, but they're both going to say yes. It almost looked like was I was watching a Netflix series that seemed to kind of a rehearsed scene, but yes, they're both in and there's no reason for either one of them or no, no concerns. So they're both yeses. Yeah. He's not afraid of mom. mean, that's that, that, that's definitely love because I'm a little afraid of mom. Maybe he needs him to help set those boundaries for the first time life too. Sorry. She might need him.

to help her set those boundaries with her mother for the first time in her life too.

Yeah. Yeah. I would like her to learn that on her own, but having that support might be something that she needs to move forward. Cause she, she rams a big personality. it's been. And and hasn't said them yet. So I don't know what the future holds. If someone doesn't help her. But it's also mom and her for all this time. Right? Cause it doesn't sound like the dads.

Dad, that's according to mom. don't hear Jasmine say best friends. And I talked to her every day. It's like your mom's that's mom's version. Right. Right. But at the same time, my point being that that she, Jasmine might need somebody on her side who is her mom. That might be, I don't know. There might be a healthy way of doing that. not exactly sure. But let's hope. I got you now.

You ready for that? Are you ready for me? My little firecracker? Aw. I like that, my little firecracker.


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